Things to Know Before You Refinance Your Mortgage

refinance mortgage brisbaneRefinancing a mortgage can be a considerably long process and it depends on various different factors. Before you apply for refinance mortgage Brisbane, you should be aware of these certain facts.

Home Equity

The first thing that you will require for refinancing your mortgage is the equity of the home. Decreasing values of homes might make you owe more money to the mortgage lender than the current market value of your home. Refinancing with no or less equity can be possible with the conventional lenders. The best way by which you will be able to find out that you will qualify or not is to set up a meeting with the lender to discuss about the issues. If you have at least 10% equity, it will be convenient for you to qualify for a new loan.

Credit Score

Lenders, in recent times have made their loan approval standards a tad tight. So, it might come as a surprise that in spite of having a good credit, you might not be able to qualify for the lowest rate of interest. People who borrow with low scores might be able to get new loan, but the interest rate that they will be paying will be quite high.

Ratios of Debt-to-Income

When you already have a mortgage loan, you might enable you to assume that you will get a new one pretty easily. However, have already increased the bar of the credit scores and has also become much stricter with the debt-to-income ratio. Albeit, factors like high income, history of stable job, and substantial saving might allow you to qualify for a loan, lenders generally keep housing payments below 28% of the gross monthly income. Thus, the overall date-to-income should not be more than 35%, though with some other factors, certain lenders will go above 40%. You might pay off some debt prior to applying for refinance mortgage Brisbane to qualify.

Cost of Refinancing

The cost of refinancing a home will cost at least 3% of the loan amount. However, you can look for several ways to reduce the cost. If you have sufficient equity, you will be able to roll the cost in the new loan. There are some lenders who offer no-cost refinance. This means that you will have to pay tad high interest rate for covering the refinancing costs. You should shop around and negotiate because some of the refinancing fees might be reduced or be paid by the lender.

Term versus Rates

Most of the borrowers tend to focus on the interest rate, yet it is important to ratify the goals when you are applying for refinancing. This should be done to decide the mortgage product that will cater to your needs. If your focus is reducing the monthly payments as much as you can, you might want a loan with low interest rate. Borrowers paying off their loan as soon as they can should opt for a mortgage loan with shortest term of payment that they will be able to afford.